
There was a pretty good storm brewing in Wyoming. Luckily it was ok when I took the pictures of the Capitol


Runza is a fast-food restaurant in Nebraska. They also have two locations in northern Colorado, and Kansas.

Runza makes these crazy sandwiches. To me – even more legendary than White Castle. This is why driving through Nebraska is so much better than Kansas – THERE IS RUNZA HERE!

Notice the crowd that gathered around my car when I parked it there! đŸ˜€


First stop was Bill Huff and Rich Huff’s place – they had a red 81 Scirocco S.

Next was Performance VW – a dealership near Omaha, Nebraska to meet  Black928valve.

Then went to the Capitol in Lincoln and met tcfootball. After capitol pictures, we went to Beatrice, NE…


Today is Iowa and Nebraska. I’m heading for Des Moines now, and hitting Omaha, then the Capitol in Lincoln, and then staying with tcfootball for the night.

Iowa Welcomes Me
Iowa Welcomes Me

Rob’s BBQ

Rob made Deer steaks for the BBQ. He invited members of the kch2o.org board – the local VW forum for Kansas City. Great turnout, I thank all who came! This is a great community here. I got lots of new names on the map, and many donations for the fuel fund!

Returned to Kansas City

I’m back. I’m staying tomorow too for a BBQ that mrlee is holding.
I removed extra stuff from the car, the Mk1 scirocco spoiler, the 16v head and container, my clothes, my cooler, my bathroom stuffs, and my food. The tools and spare tire stayed in the car. On the trip to Topeka, I filled up at a gas station here, and topped to the second click. I drove to Topeka at the speed limit (mostly 70 mph), drove around the capitol for a bit, then returned to here, and filled up again at the same gas station, at the same pump, to the second click again. Here are the results:

That’s 37.05 MPG for that trip. If I heald it to 55, I would have gotten much better!

Kansas Capitol in Topeka

I’m in Kansas’ state Capital, Topeka. I took my Capitol pictures from several different angles. Too bad that mile marker ruined my Welcome to Kansas picture…  I had to take the Kansas Turnpike, costs $2.15 each way. In the toll plaza, I saw a Deka truck – a battery manufacturing company located near where I leave in Southeastern Pennsylvania.


It is REALLY hot today – my thermometer in my car reads 105.1F!

Springfield was crowded, but it had a nice capitol.

I’m in Missouri now, heading for Jefferson City.


Indianapolis was a cool city, and the Indiana state capitol was beautiful! The pictures are very bright because the sun was right behind the Capitol.

Next up: Springfield, IL


I am at the Indiana welcome center rest area. I left Dayton at 5:30 AM, and I am headed for Indianapolis.

Today I am also going to hit Springfield, Illinois, and Jefferson City, Missouri.

Tonight I will stay with mrlee in Kansas City.