Entering Wisconsin
I also found that I was across the street from The German Haus. Muahhaah!
Tonight Pictures
Took some night pictures! Neato.
Mall of America
We went down to the Mall of America – a HUGE mall – four floors, and it has an amusement park inside!
Minnesota State Capitol
We visited the Minnesota State Capitol building today.
St. Paul at Night
Amber (Konomi) took us to the SECRET SPOT near St. Paul to take night photos.
It’s not Betty Crocker, it’s Amber Crocker!
Amber (Konomi on VWVortex) made Lasagna for dinner tonight, it was DANG GOOD! She also baked cookies and a Key Lime Pie. Muahahahah!
Park Pictures
Brian (Nataku on VWVortex) and I went to Bunker Hill park to take a couple pictures. I also updated the map. It used to say 15,600 miles, but I have already gone that far, so I upped it to 21,600. (I didn’t have any zeros left) – I also re-traced the black signatures on my hood because the Sharpie markers are not UV-resistant. I used a paint marker.
Olive Garden
More Cropduster Fun
North Dakota
Got the Capitol- – just in time. North Dakota’s capitol is a Art-Deco style skyscraper – all of 19 floors! But it is the tallest building in the whole state! 🙂
South Dakota State Capitol
First I stopped in Wall Drug. It was even more legendary than South of the Border in South Carolina, or The Thing? from Arizona. It was HUGE. Even the bumper stickers are HUGE!! 🙂
The Capitol picture was pretty easy. I like ones like this.
Next? Bismarck, ND
Mount Rushmore
Devil’s Tower
Drove to Devil’s Tower, didn’t have any close encounters of any kind.
Today’s Plan: a LOT of stops

Todays Destinations:
1. My hotel in Gillette, Wyoming
2. Devil’s Tower in Wyoming
3. Mount Rushmore near Keystone, South Dakota
4. Wall Drug in Wall, South Dakota
6. State Capitol in Pierre, South Dakota
7. State Capitol in Bismarck, North Dakota
8. Theoretical Arrival at Konomi and Nataku’s place. I will not make this, the map shows me getting there at 11 pm not including any times I stop today, and does not include the hour I loose due to timezone change.
Map for Tonight
Wall Drug sighted!

Wall drug is exaclty 400.4 miles away from where I took this picture. Goddamn!
My computer is crashing every few minutes now, but in a different way. Something is wrong with the video card, it causes video corruption not only in Windows, but also in BIOS, startup, and the Dell Diagnostic Utility. Hell of a time for this to happen. 🙁
Montana State Capitol
Helena, Montana is the state capitol. I’m headed for Mount Rushmore next. By the time I get there, it will be dark, so I’m gonna have to stop somewhere for a motel.
Crazy Cropduster Plane!
This crazy guy was doing loops, hard wing-over turns, and divebombing cars on the Interstate. He came within a few yards of me! He also touched the road on one pass with his wheels. CRAZY!