Planning for the Colorado Trip

Gray SciroccoThe Colorado Trip is set!

I fly out June 19th, and my parrents will pick me up at the airport.

I’ll hang around in Denver, buying tires and a battery to get that car ready to go.

I leave July 5th: Destination: mr lee in Kansas City!
Leave Denver: 8:30 AM
Arrive KC at 5PM

July 6th: Destination: Daun in Dayton!
Leave KC at 8:30 AM
Arrive Dayton at 5:00 PM

July 7th: Return to Philly to prepare for the BIG trip.
Leave Dayton at 8:30 AM
Arrive Philly at 5:00 PM


The Colorado trip will be used as a sort-of beta version of the trip. The distances between destinations are longer on the Colorado trip, so I will pull over at rest-stops more often to post up.


Total Distance